The brand new Ashford newsletter hit many shops and locations around town recently.
Probably not the best of timing with everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks, but the brand new TOOFIA local newsletter is out and the initial feedback has been good!
There’s Only One F In Ashford (TOOFIA) comes to you from the team here at Ashford Wide, showcasing our town, what’s been going, what’s up and coming, and promoting our local businesses. With the angle being fun and informative we hope that this new regular publication will keep everyone in the loop with all things Ashford.
The first edition covers everything from the 2019 Christmas Market, to our upcoming Flags in Ashford for VE Day, and showcasing local resident and author Chris Marshall. Keep an eye out for a copy on your restricted travels – or alternatively read the digital version / download it here.
If you would like to contribute or advertise in the upcoming editions, please email for more information.
We will keep you updated on the next edition. Keep an eye out on here and across social (distancing) media. In the meantime, keep safe and look after each other.